Book a session
private or in a group
Private Session includes
♥ Psychic Reading ♥ Advanced Deep Healing ♥ Messages from your guides and soul family
In this space of high vibration, you will receive deep healing, deep cleansing, and a lift of density. Your whole system will be upgraded, and you will connect on a deeper level with your higher self. Old contracts, cords and bindings that are ready, will be cleared and your whole energy system is strengthened. A healing session comes from a state of deep prayer within me, that the session will be a hundred precent aligned with the highest good for you as a client.
A deep healing session leads you to wake up even more to who you truly are, to your sovereignty and to your full potential, it supports you in the remembering of why you came here to planet Earth.
2333 SEK (2 hours) (ca. €230 depending on exchange rate)
Silent Retreat
with intense power healing
Individual Power Healing, Cleansing, Light Language and Code Activation
Silence creates the holy space that is needed to reach the depths of your inner universe and connect you with who your truly are. Are you ready to surrender to that Love?
Since the beginning of time human beings have gathered in silence to honour and celebrate the Divine within. Through the stillness that silence creates you deepen the connection with your sacred chamber in the heart where the unconditional Love of everything exists.
2100 SEK (ca. €205 depending on exchange rate)
Silent Retreat
with intense power healing
Individual Power Healing, Cleansing, Light Language and Code Activation
Silence creates the holy space that is needed to reach the depths of your inner universe and connect you with who your truly are. Are you ready to surrender to that Love?
Since the beginning of time human beings have gathered in silence to honour and celebrate the Divine within. Through the stillness that silence creates you deepen the connection with your sacred chamber in the heart where the unconditional Love of everything exists.
2100 SEK (ca. €205 depending on exchange rate)
Healing Circle
Are you longing for deepening your connection with your Inner Divine? The one YOU truly are!
A Healing Circle is a 2 ½ hour event that is perfect for you who already are in a healing process and have attended one of my precious healing events or a private session. It is also a beautiful opportunity for you who are curious to experience the kind of life-changing deep healing that I offer in all my events. ♥
Magic is created when we gather as a group and connect deeply as a collective with same intention, to heal, receive and release.
700 SEK (ca. €69 depending on exchange rate)
House Energi Cleansing
House cleansing is a powerful way to energy cleanse and to energy upgrade your home to a totally new energy level so that new inspiration, deep healing and creativity can flow into your life.
In the place where you live energy flows are created all the time. Everything that you do and everything that you think and feel, leaves energetic footprints that with time become more solid and affect you energetically. Your home mirrors your energy back to you, so if the energy in your home is stagnated, yours will be as well.
Through energy cleansing your house, you create your own sacred space, where you THEN easier can rest and regenerate.
Start price for 3 hours*: 0-120 m² = 3333 SEK (ca. €326 depending on exchange rate)
House Energi Cleansing
House cleansing is a powerful way to energy cleanse and to energy upgrade your home to a totally new energy level so that new inspiration, deep healing and creativity can flow into your life.
In the place where you live energy flows are created all the time. Everything that you do and everything that you think and feel, leaves energetic footprints that with time become more solid and affect you energetically. Your home mirrors your energy back to you, so if the energy in your home is stagnated, yours will be as well.
Through energy cleansing your house, you create your own sacred space, where you THEN easier can rest and regenerate.
Start price for 3 hours*: 0-120 m² = 3333 SEK (ca. €326 depending on exchange rate)